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Int 7F Fn 16  - Alloy Ntnx, Mw386 - Direct Memory Transfer                 [N]

   AH = 16h
   DX:SI -> transfer structure (see below)

Return: AL = status
       00h successful
       0Ah source or destination out of range
       0Bh transfer kernal busy--try again

Notes: this call transfers memory contents directly between users; both source
     and destination user IDs may differ from the caller's ID
   no segment wrap is allowed

Format of transfer structure:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    bytes to transfer
 02h   BYTE    source ID
       FEh = caller
 03h   DWORD   source address
 07h   BYTE    destination ID
       FFh = all slaves except caller
       FEh = caller
 08h   DWORD   destination address

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